Saturday, October 30, 2010

Free Lecture on Data Visualization with: Google - GreenInfo - Stamen

The GIS Education Center and CCA URBANlab are hosting a free lecture with Google, GreenInfo, and Stamen this upcoming Thursday, Nov. 4th 6-8pm at CCA, to discuss data visualization and mapping. This is a great opportunity for students to learn and understand the process of raw data to visual print and web development for Google Geo, Stamen Design, and GreenInfo.

For more information:
View the lecture flyer
Visit GISEC website
Visit CCA URBANlab website

CCSF GIS Mapping Collaborative: A Facilities Management application using GIS

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

CCA Lecture: Scott Constable

Wednesday, November 3, 7 pm

CCA San Francisco campus
Timken Lecture Hall
1111 Eighth Street (at 16th and Wisconsin)

Before settling into a dedicated art and design practice, Scott Constable apprenticed in traditional joinery, cooked as a line chef, played drums and guitar in rock bands, served as an "Appropriate Technology Agent" with the Peace Corps, fished as a deckhand on a salmon seiner, and freelanced as a photographer, digital artist, and museum fabricator. Today, his deep interest in vernacular design has led to far-ranging paths of inquiry researching the origins of "invention within tradition."

Soon after moving to the Bay Area in the early 1990s, Constable established Wowhaus, an experimental art and design collaborative working at the intersection of public art, social practice, furniture design, and architecture. In 2007, beginning with a grant from the Center for Cultural Innovation (CCI), he established the hybrid brand/philosophy/manifesto/blog Deep Craft.

Constable lives and works on his rural family compound on California's Sonoma Coast. He grew up on Philadelphia's Main Line, studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, and earned a BFA with a concentration in sculpture and generative systems at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

BeLoose Graphic Workshop - Tuesday, November 2, 2010 2-5pm in Room 124

Architect and illustrator Mike Lin of the BeLoose Graphic Workshop will give a free workshop next Tuesday, Nov. 2 from 2 to 5pm in room 124. We already have two classes (40-50 people) scheduled to attend but I told all the students in my other classes as well. In case of a large group, I will be setting up a second screen in the back of 124, where the renovation for the new undergraduate studio is almost complete. It's possible that students in classes scheduled that afternoon might ask you to let them attend the workshop. If you don't have critiques or major deadlines scheduled for that day, please consider excusing them if they ask to attend. Mike Lin is unique and does amazing drawing demonstrations.

Students who sign up on the free website and also attend the workshop will be entered in a raffle for free drawing supplies. If attending, students should bring a small drawing pad (8.5x11) and a set of colored pencils.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Who designed “the most famous restaurant in North Korea"?

Kim Jong-Il Gets Into Restaurant Design - UnBeige

…the next time you’re vacationing in North Korea, perhaps enjoying a stay in the never-going-to-be-finished Ryugyong Hotel, you might want to think about swinging over to the Jade Stream Pavilion, “the most famous restaurant in North Korea.” TheTelegraph reports that the restaurant has just finished construction on a new 60,000 ft. addition, with its design overseen by Kim Jong-Il himself.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fwd: [SUST] Call for Events to add to SF State Sustainable Week, Nov 1st - 5th

All Week
Bio-Swale Installation on the north side of the Science Bldg

Monday "Conservation"
Meatless Mondays (lunch) at the Dining Centers
Quad events: Sustainability Pledge, Water Conservation, Recycling game, Carbon Footprint Testing, info on No Impact Week, Gulf Oil Spill Awareness and Education

Tuesday "Green Politics" 
Get out the vote / No on Prop 23
Sustainable Vendors Tabling- Local non-profits will be tabling in the quad to introduce the campus to sustainable organizations and volunteer options available within the city. 
Action Through Fashion Clothing Drive
  • Princess Project- prom dresses and accessories for the 14-18 year old
  • Nike Reuse a Shoe
  • Fix it Table with needle and thread
  • Do it Yourself- recreate with scissors and sewing machines

Wednesday "Reduce Reuse" 
Bike to School Day (EcoStudents)
Speakers in Malcolm X Plaza
Action Through Fashion Clothing Drive

Thursday "Food and Agriculture"
Vista Room is offering a local and organic lunch for $12
Canning and pickling demo
Sloat Garden worm demo and seed donation
 In Search of Good Food documentary (

Friday "Campus Sustainability"
Eco Student Sign up
Waste Monitor Volunteers at the Student Center
E-waste collection w/Green Citizen

Play: Berkeley Digital Media Conference

The >play conference is organized and led by the members of the Berkeley Digital Media & Entertainment Club (DMEC), which is an organization of MBA students interested in understanding, exploring and anticipating business opportunities found at the nexus of technology, media and entertainment. DMEC provides its members with the chance to learn about these opportunities and the broader business of digital media through a number of avenues, including:

  • Conferences and speaker series (most notably the annual >play conference)
  • Recruitment and company events within and beyond Silicon Valley
  • Mixer events to connect with professionals and alumni in the digital media industry
  • Company visits to explore summer internship and full-time opportunities (recent visits include Activision Blizzard, NBC Universal, and Warner Bros.)
  • Opportunities to develop expertise in specific aspects of digital media, and blog accordingly

We hope you enjoy our website and encourage you to become active in our organization.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Design is Dead! Long Live Design? | AIGA San Francisco

Design is Dead! Long Live Design? | AIGA San Francisco

Technology is evolving more quickly than ever. The planet can’t sustain our consuming ways anymore. We’re still in a deep economic recession. And 40,000 design students are graduating every year across the country. Is a new golden age of creativity upon us? Or is it the end of design as we know it? (Or both?) Many are touting design as the primary catalyst towards meaningful societal change, but will we all just be designing mobile apps in 5 years instead? And what about the rest of us who still just want to make cool posters?
On October 21, Volume Inc. founder, CCA design professor, and Open Space contributor, Eric Heiman will assemble 5 designers/design teams to address these issues in “Pecha Kucha” format—20 slides, 20 seconds each, 400 seconds total—and then moderate a discussion between them. And because this is an after hours event at SFMOMA, San Francisco’s premier Hip-Hop (M)istress of©eremonies, Melina Jones, will be introducing each guest’s credentials with a freestyle rap performance of her own composition (just for starters).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Seek, Student Design Conference, November 20 2010

Seek, the student design conference hosted by Northern Illinois University in DeKalb Illinois is scheduled for Saturday November 20, 2010.

So mark the date on your calendar, and let your students know about this.

Planning is proceeding, and we are introducing workshops for the first time this year. 

Design firms participating so far include IA Collaborative, Rule29, Digital Kitchen, Lynch2, Grip Design, A5, Brainforest, Three Communications, and The Royal Order of Experience Design. 

More to come too... We are still confirming our keynotes, but in the past we have had Massimo Vignelli, Paula Scher, Chip Kidd, Kyle Cooper, Rick Valicenti, Jakob Trollback, Andrew Blauvelt, Robynne Raye, and other notable designers.

This is an all day conference, and the fee is a very affordable $35 which includes lunch.

Website and online registration will be available no later than October 20th. I will post a message when registration is open.


Steve Quinn
Associate Professor
Visual Communication
Northern Illinois University

An Introduction to Graphic Design: Observatory: Design Observer

An Introduction to Graphic Design: Observatory: Design Observer

This article, in an earlier version, first appeared in Dwell (December/January 2009, Vol. 09 Issue 02) in an editorial series of "introductions" to various aspects of design and architecture. The authors thank Dwell for its original publication in their pages.