Sunday, January 30, 2011

SF State AIGA Student Group: First Meeting of the Term

Monday January 31 at 1pm


  1. Introduction to AIGA
    1. SF Chapter
    2. Events
    3. Benefits
  2. Proposals
    1. In-House design studio
    2. Setting up a work station
    3. Establish a screenprinting area
    4. Create an audit list of supplies and equipment in storage areas (e.g. photo lab in 124)
  3. Questions/Conversation

About AIGA Student groups:

"AIGA encourages the formation of student groups at colleges and universities and is committed to developing these groups as a way of encouraging students to take the first step in demonstrating a commitment to their professional interest and assisting them in understanding the profession. The goal of the student groups is to get the student involved in the local design community, create a community of their own and help them build leadership skills that will be valuable as they move into the professional world."
from About AIGA student groups

Join AIGA Now! Reduced rate.

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