Sunday, April 17, 2011

AIGA San Francisco 2011 Enrichment Scholarship

The Enrichment Scholarship was created by AIGA San Francisco to enhance the quality and diversity of design education. Winners will receive a $500 scholarship which may be used to underwrite the cost of their design education or to pay for a supplemental program, such as attending a design conference or participating in a class or workshop. In addition, the work from the scholarship winners will be featured on the AIGA San Francisco website.

The Enrichment Scholarship award is based on the overall excellence of the student’s work and his/her strong academic achievement. Applicants chosen by each school will be reviewed by the 2011 Judging Committee. In addition, one student from the overall group of winners will be chosen for the Rick Tharp Scholarship and given an additional $500 scholarship, totaling $1,000 for one winner. The final awards are subject to review and approval by AIGA SF’s Board of Directors.

General Criteria

  • Students must be seniors in an undergraduate program or graduate students in their final year
  • Students must be an AIGA member to be eligible (can join at time of entry submission)
  • Deadline to submit applications: Monday, May 9, 2011
  • PDF applications must be submitted through the SF State AIGA student group advisor Joshua Singer. No physical work.
  • No files larger than 5MB
  • Show three (3) projects as 3 separate PDFs and label each PDF your name (i.e. Smith1.pdf, Smith2.pdf, Smith3.pdf).
  • Project/parameters/client can be included in the PDFs. 
Student Statement
  • Write a statement of intent of no more than 250 words, may be submitted as text or PDF. (i.e. SmithStatement.txt)
  • Statement should be the student’s personal statement on design and it should describe how he/she sees their design career unfolding
  • No need for any teacher recommendations as nomination takes the place of a recommendation
AIGA SF 2011 Judging Committee

  • A panel of 3 outside judges, none are affiliated with any of the schools
  • Work shall be judged on concept, execution and the congruency between the work and the statement of intent
  • Judges will choose one student from each school.
  • Awards will be given out at Portfolio Day and winners should attend. This may be done on stage while their work is displayed on the screen.
  • Enrichment Scholarships of $500 will be awarded to one student chosen from each school. 
  • One student from the overall group of winners will be chosen for the Rick Tharp Scholarship and given an additional $500, totaling $1,000 in scholarships for one winner. 
  • The scholarship winners will be announced and awarded on Portfolio Day, Saturday, June 4, 2011.
  • Saturday, June 4, 2011 – Winners announced at Portfolio Day.

AIGA | the professional association for design

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life

    Web Designer San Francisco
