Open House Reception, Nathan Shapira Design Archive
5:30 - 6:30 PM, Tuesday, November 1st, 2011,
San Francisco State University, Fine Arts Building,
Graduate Studio Space, FA 151 and FA 151C
Symposium: Design to Live: Inclusive Design in the Majority World,
6:30 – 8:30 PM, in the Fine Arts Building, FA 115
The Symposium, "Design to Live…" is being held in conjunction with the commemoration of the Opening of the Nathan Shapira Design Archive Project, November 1st, 2011, which is housed adjacent to the Design and Industry Department, Graduate Program Studio in the Fine Arts building, FA 151C.
Invited Guest Speakers & Panelist:
- Regina Davis, Architect, President/CEO, San Francisco Housing Development Corporation
- Eric Bailey, Creative Director, frogdesign; Propaganda Design
- Marc Krizack, Executive Director at Whirlwind Wheelchair International, SFSU
- Leslie Speer, Associate Professor, San Jose State University; IDSA Design for the Majority
- Tyler Valiquette, COO, Catapult Design
"We do not Design for Society, or for that matter Design in order to Design Society. We Design because Society and Ourselves are in fact Design. We do not Design for Living. We Design to Live."Selby Mvusi, 1963
Please visit the Nathan Shapira Design Archive Project Blog at San Francisco State University http://nsdablog.com/
Join the NSDA facebook site: http://www.facebook.com/nsda.sfsu
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