Friday, September 14, 2012

SF State Web-design Opportunity for Students

We are seeking creative, computer-savvy students to create a website for our student-led sustainability campaign here at SF State. It's called The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) and it's been wildly successful at other campuses nationwide.

This is a great opportunity to add to your portfolio while contributing to the campus community and working with students from different departments who are all united by a passion for sustainability, social equity, and improving our school. You don't need to know anything about sustainability - we'll fill you in! There are no set hours and we'll do all we can to make the task as easy for you as possible. You have a valuable skill we need.

This is not a paid position, but time spent building the TGIF website could potentially be used towards volunteer/internship requirements or just as a chance to work on your web-design skills and take on a fun, fulfilling challenge. Additionally, if the TGIF campaign is successful, it may eventually be used to establish a paid student web-manager position - that could be you!

We welcome all and any SF State community members to join our team, and not just web-designers. There's something for everyone, even if you can only spare twenty minutes or just want to become informed about green happenings on campus.

Interested students should email for more info.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Yael Ofer
Campaign Manager, The Green Initiative Fund at SFSU

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